I bin gotten lots of  people  writtien me letters and i gotten on the television!!..

my show has bin on david lettderman and on radio on england and in othr areas in the USA!!!!

I getten lots of mails from peoples and some not nice people :( and people in my geust book have been darn right rude!.. but lots of peple have been reall nice! heello! inertnet uses!!... i REALLY LIKE THE INTERNET!!!

som poeple have send me their picktures

this is one on the post box.. its got a extra playce to put the daily paper

THIS IS TO BEST CARS!!!! THIS I WANT TO BE MYINE!      my best friend says he wants to go in he back seat with me, I think thats ok cause I cant drive yets on the road.

I got a new friend!  he wasnt so to give me stuff... like a pearl necklace! that gewels!  thats like for girls!.. nancy pants! This is mr dobson from number 12 hes got lots of animals and we can play with then. I like my camera.. mr dobson likes it to. This is stinky clair, she is tough and we run away for her cuse she nasty and mean.. I got this pictur in her draws in her trailr cause she was pased out on the flor. shes stil passd out. Form last week!.. she has much drunk cuse she has't woked up for abut 3 days now and shee SMELS!!! We finding in funny cus her eyes are open adn we show her out butt and she doens nutting cause shes as smell y and passed out!> this iz my cuzis Raylene and T-Bone.. they wanted to be on my payge and seid if i done't they'll come nad make my mom mad.

I git mad at some peopl cause thay are takin may pages and sayin that they made it!!!,, if you see these payges tell them to go way!!!!! I am introdjuicing ROB!! hes can weir dresses and bra and girl NICKERS!! but hes a man!.. he says that aleins have taken him to a new playce and he can see the way time folds.. I dont git iT!.. hes always sniffin the gas from my pops truck!! I git hels mad!... makes me wanna shoot somone...

It is my cusin rod  hes got a good trailer that hje's grandpappy made!  Rod and his grandpapy like to stay in there durig the day any yell at people. My grandpapy likes a bit od fuedin' and lthe like!. I fancy hus sister.. she all fancy like and wears nice stuff!!   she smells all purdy.. buit Lurlene doesn't lik me going to hur trailer cuse I got trouble for watchin her in the showerss... she hit me good.

I took my carmara but all i git wat this pictur of rods WC  and thien Bosco rods brother dun chased me to my mom!  hes plum scary and mom took im into the trailer and made him yells loaud so she must have punished hime! that will teech him!!!

hes want to play games with me.. he wants to play dick trayce!... he said I can be trayce!! i wants to use a toy gun so we kin fight crime an stuff but he dun ran when I git my bb gun!... this is my bb gun pichure..
I think is brok cus I can find any way to put the BBs in... I think my pa nows.

ANYWay I be comming some more payges soon!!